Home Sponsorship Opportunities Contact
  • Option 1 - Complete and Submit online form

  • Option 2 - Call and provide information to +001- 248-212-8577-Or

  • Option 3 - Request invoice/ provide P.O. Number /bank wire transfer: admin@smartcoatings.org.

  • Upon registration confirmation will be emailed to the name and address on the registration form

  • Registration fee includes the following: Breakfasts, lunches, refreshments, reception, and conference proceedings.

  • *NOTE: Credit card charges will appear as "Innovative Technical Systems Corporation."

  • A block of rooms at the Orlando Hilton Garden Inn at the rate of $135/night has been reserved for this conference. Rates and availability after January 25, 2014 is not guaranteed. Registration may be made through www.smartcoatings.org

  • Registration Transferability, Cancellations & Refunds: Registrations are transferable and substitutions from the same organization may be made and must be requested prior to and through arrival at the conference without penalty. Cancellation must be a written notice before February 1, 2014. A $100 processing fee will be applied. No refunds after this date.

    Email admin@smartcoatings.org for information.

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